People should always aspire to high, pure and sacred goals. Only thus is it possible to satisfy the conscience, the mind and the whole human being for those who call themselves humans. Those who walk in this path will achieve higher ranks to the degree they are devoted; and this way of life will be definitely apparent.

Because only thus the societies, who are administered by individuals who have nothing to hide, who are open-minded and who have a conscience, can be able to keep track of the actions. Those who hide their ideas, feelings and attempts, those who try to apply secret means may only be those people who are acting in a way unfit to the framework of intellect and logic and which entails embarrassment and shame. Those who are engaged in such actions will have to face a bitter end at the last. 1926 (Ataturk’s S.D.III.P. 80-815)

Our conscience has always been clear and it will always stay clear and pure. Those with an ugly face, have a defiled conscience and are those who attempt to call our patriotic, honorable and conscientious deeds ugly. 1927 ( The Speech II, p.882)

An oath is a solemn agreement. An honorable person never breakes his oath. 1919 (Ataturk’s S.D.III, p.7-8)

Bear always in mind: Be it today or be it tomorrow, our main strength will be constituted by an honorable, transparent policy and by keeping our words. (Hasan Rıza Soyak, Yakınlarından Hatıralar, p.18)

The burden of responsibility is even heavier than death. (1915)

Never be afraid of speaking the truth. (1918)

We must always be ready to give an account of our deeds before history and before the world. 1930 (Büyük Tarih Trabzon’da, p. 16)

If we do not perform the deeds for which we have the opportunity, history will criticize us. 1928 (Hakkı Tarık Us, Ayın Tarhi, Ataturk’ün Vefatları, N:60, 1938,p.150)

The main principle, accepted by civilized states that are ruled according to the principles of national sovereignty and that is still valid is the principle that the political group, which represents the general demands of the majority and which is capable of taking necessary steps to fulfill the requirements of those demands within its power and capacity, is charged with the administration of the state and gives this esteemed responsibility to its supreme leader.

As a matter of fact, a government that doesn’t fulfill these requirements is not able to rule in any way. To form a government out of powerful, but nevertheless second grade group members and attempt to run it by way of the directives and advice of the first grade leaders of the party is certainly not correct. The tragic results of such a practice could be witnessed especially in the last days of the Ottoman State. Are there not too many harmful effects to count, which the nation had to endure because of the sadrazams (grand vizier) and their governments, who were mere puppets in the hands of Union and Progress leaders?

It can never be the case that a party, which is in the leading position in the Assembly leaves its right to form a government to the opponent party that is in a minority state.

According to rule and principles, only the party which represents the majority of the nation and which has openly stated its intentions can take over the responsibility to form a government and apply its purposes and principles in the country. 1927 (The Speech I, p.221-222)

According to our considerations, political power, will power and sovereignty belong to the common characteristics of a nation as a whole. It is indivisible, inseparable and cannot be transferred to other individuals. 1930 (Afetinan, M.B and M.K. Atatatürk’ün El Yazıları, p. 418)

Begging for pity and mercy is neither the way to run public works or administer the state, nor the way to ensure honor or independence of the nation and state.

There is no principle such as begging for pity and mercy. This, the Turkish nation, the future generation of Turkey shall never forget. 1927 (The Speech I, p. 355)

Is it a good or a bad government? In order to know whether a government is good or bad, we have to answer the question “What is the purpose of a government?” A government has two aims. The first aim is the protection of the nation, the second aim on the other hand, the welfare of the nation. If a government fulfills both duties it is a good, if not, it is a bad government. 1923 (Atatürk’s S.D. II, p. 121)

Essentially, it is the nation that counts. It is the society. The general willpower of the nation becomes visible in the assembly; this is the case all over the world. But there are also individuals. The Assembly carries out public and administrative works with the help of individuals. In each country the individuals and persons in charge of these public services are well known. There is no need to deny the truth by meaningless opinions. 1922 (The Speech II, p. 659)

What I want is to have home affairs discussed in the Grand National Assembly. There is no affair that could not be discussed at the Grand National Assembly before the eyes of the Turkish nation. 1930 (Asım Us, G.D.D., p. 132)

The nation has no master. What is essential, is to give service. He, who serves the nation, becomes its master. 1921 (Atatürk’s S.D. I. P. 195)

It is not our principle to pursue day-to-day politics by time wasting and benumbing speeches on promises we are not in the state to realize. 1931 (Atatürk’s T.T.B IV, p. 552)

Considering home affairs, public issues and essential issues, there is no place for feelings, considerations and friendship relations. 1922 (Atatürk’s S.D I, p. 213)

The country is in need of a unity based on solidarity. To dismember the nation by ordinary policies is high treason. 1925 (Atatürk’s S.D. II, p. 224)

Our principle of governing is to obey the common and general ideas and inclinations of the nation. In order to render these ideas and inclinations as essential and serious, they have to reflect the material and moral needs of the nation. 1925 (Sadi Borak, Bilinmeyen Yönleriyle Atatürk, p.88)

We are not striving for temporary praise by deceiving the people with promises, we have not the capacity and power to realize. We hate to make false promises like vulgar politicians. 1925 (Sadi Borak, Bilinmeyen Yönleriyle Atatürk, p.87)

The obligation of those who have been chosen by the people, in order to administer the state in the name of the nation, is to be ready, if necessary, to give account and is incompatible with careless and despotic behavior. 1930 (Afetinan, M.B. and Atatürk’ün El Yazmaları, p. 415)

I’m a man, who wants to see his thoughts embedded in the demands, needs and will power of his nation. This is indispensable to me; only if I have realized this, I feel the responsibility to implement my ideas.

Those who want to work in this country, those who want to rule the country, should enter the country and live under the same conditions of the nation. Only then they will be able to feel seriously what has to be done. (1923)

In any case; if those who serve the nation are expecting great retributions, then they are acting wrongly. We should not expect much from the nation. Those who have served this nation have not done anything else than fulfilling an honorable duty. (1923)

We share the opinion that criticism and ideas articulated by sincere citizens, who are not members of the party and working within another program, despite being republicans and nationalists, will have strengthening affect on our national goals. 1935 (Atatürk’s T.T.B. IV, p.570)

The system, which enables the discussion of public affairs at the Grand National Assembly and before the nation, so that individuals of good will and parties may deliver their private opinions and thus cherish the esteemed interests of the nation, is a system, which I adore and adhere to. With pleasure I see that we are joined under the principle of a secular republic. And this again is a fundament I have searched for all the time and I will be searching for constantly as an adherent within political life. It is for this reason that I consider the establishment of a new party within the Grand National Assembly, based on the same fundament and thus the free discussion of public affairs as the main principle of the republic. (1930)

Today at last, the idea of democracy resembles a constantly rising ocean. The twentieth century has witnessed many despotic governments drowning in this ocean. (1930)

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