The republican regime is a form of government with democracy. We establish the Republic, all the necessities of democracy must be applied on the 10th year of the Republic. 1933 (Afet İnan, Atatürk Hakkında B.H, s.251)

The Republic supports freedom of thought. We respect all opinions provided that they are sincere and legal. All convictions are respectable for us. But those opposing us must be equitable to us. 1923 (Atatürk’s S.D 3, s.71)

A Republic is a government that is built on moral virtue. Republic is virtue. 1925 (Atatürk’s S.D 2, s.231)

The most appropriate government, most suitable to the Turkish nation’s nature and traditions, is the Republic. 1924 (Atatürk’s S.D 3, s.74)

The Republic with its new and sound principles, as much as it opens the path for an intact and safe way of future life to Turkish nation, also creates soundness in opinions and spirits and by doing this, it becomes the herald of a new life. 1936 (Atatürk’s S.D 1, s.372)

Today’s government and state organization are formed by our nation itself and its name is Republic. From now on, the separation between the government and nation cannot be mentioned as in the past. The Nation is the government and the government is the nation. As a result, government and its members have fully understood the fact that they are not apart from the nation and that the latter is the master of the country. 1925 (Atatürk’s S.D 2, s.230)

In the last years, the capability, talent and understanding shown by our nation, proved that those who have bad opinions about our nation were imperceptive and in grave error. Our nation with its capability, characteristics and in addition with a new name of its government will be successful in showing itself in the civilized world. The Turkish Republic will prove its right to occupy its place by its achievements.

The Turkish Republic will be happy, successful and victorious. October 29 1923 (The Speech 2, s.814-815)

Those who think that the Republic established in the mind and consciousness of our army that consists of the great Turkish Nation and its heroic children, and that our principles which are inspired by the spirit of our nation, will be rootened by a removal of a body, are very unfortunate and ill-minded. Those unfortunate people will meet with the treatment that they deserve at the hands of Republic’s justice and mighty claw. This will be their share. One day, my humble body will certainly turn into earth, but the Turkish Republic will survive forever. And the Turkish nation will surely go on marching on the path of civilization with the principles which are guarantors of security and happiness. 1926 (Atatürk’s S.D 3, s.80)

Our Republic is not weak as it was thought to be. The Republic was not gained without any price. In order to achieve it, we shed our red blood everywhere. If it is necessary, we are ready to defend our institutions. 1923 (Attar’s S.D 3, s.71)

Do not ever think that coming generations will be surprised by seeing the so-called republicans among those who mercilessly attacked the Republic on its proclamation day. On the contrary, Turkey’s intellectual and republican youth won’t hesitate in analyzing and determining so-called republicans’ real ideas.

They will easily understand that: if one exists whose title is caliph, and governs the rotten dynasty and never minds to get away from the administration, then it does not matter whether the Republic is proclaimed or not, because it is impossible continue its survival in such a situation.

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